все песни от: Henry Purcell
слушать Henry Purcell - Incassun, Lesbia, rogas
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скачать Henry Purcell - Incassun, Lesbia, rogas
слушать Henry Purcell - Sailor's Dance (Z631, Semi-Opera, "The Tempest or The Enchanted Island")
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(текст песни)
скачать Henry Purcell - Sailor's Dance (Z631, Semi-Opera, "The Tempest or The Enchanted Island")
слушать Henry Purcell - Dido andAeneas. 2. "Shake the cloud from off your brow"
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dido andAeneas. 2. "Shake the cloud from off your brow"
слушать Henry Purcell - A Clockwork Orange. The Funeral of Queen Mary
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скачать Henry Purcell - A Clockwork Orange. The Funeral of Queen Mary
слушать Henry Purcell - musical intermezzo from "Oedipus"
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скачать Henry Purcell - musical intermezzo from "Oedipus"
слушать Henry Purcell - King Arthur
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скачать Henry Purcell - King Arthur
слушать Henry Purcell - Дидона и Эней(отрывок из оперы)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Дидона и Эней(отрывок из оперы)
слушать Henry Purcell - Funeral March
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скачать Henry Purcell - Funeral March
слушать Henry Purcell - The Fairy Queen, Aria: "When I have often heard" ("A nymph")/ "Dance of Haymakers"
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скачать Henry Purcell - The Fairy Queen, Aria: "When I have often heard" ("A nymph")/ "Dance of Haymakers"
слушать Henry Purcell - Dido And Aneas ''Your Counsel All is Urg'd in Vain''
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dido And Aneas ''Your Counsel All is Urg'd in Vain''
слушать Henry Purcell - The Married Beau - 1. Overture (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - The Married Beau - 1. Overture (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - Ode to st. Cecilia II. Hail! Bright Cecilia
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скачать Henry Purcell - Ode to st. Cecilia II. Hail! Bright Cecilia
слушать Henry Purcell - 08. Prelude for the witches
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скачать Henry Purcell - 08. Prelude for the witches
слушать henry purcell - the queen's dolour (a farewell) {piano: mark gasser}
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скачать henry purcell - the queen's dolour (a farewell) {piano: mark gasser}
слушать Henry Purcell - O let me weep (Jaroussky)
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(текст песни)
скачать Henry Purcell - O let me weep (Jaroussky)
слушать Henry Purcell - O, solitude, my sweetest choise
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скачать Henry Purcell - O, solitude, my sweetest choise
слушать Henry Purcell - Round-O
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скачать Henry Purcell - Round-O
слушать Henry Purcell - O Solitude
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скачать Henry Purcell - O Solitude
слушать Henry Purcell - O solitude, my sweetest choice, Z406
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скачать Henry Purcell - O solitude, my sweetest choice, Z406
слушать Henry Purcell - Rondeau - Air - Air - Minuet (Рондо из сюиты к пьесе Абделазар)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Rondeau - Air - Air - Minuet (Рондо из сюиты к пьесе Абделазар)
слушать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act V: Paspe (The first entry of heroes on the stage)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act V: Paspe (The first entry of heroes on the stage)
слушать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge - 7. Jig (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge - 7. Jig (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - Remember Me (Final Aria of Didona)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Remember Me (Final Aria of Didona)
слушать Henry Purcell - Come ye sons of art, ode for Queen Mary (1694) - Strike the viols, touch the lute (by James Bowman)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Come ye sons of art, ode for Queen Mary (1694) - Strike the viols, touch the lute (by James Bowman)
слушать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge - 3. Air (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge - 3. Air (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - Sonata No. 01 in G minor (Z. 802) - 1. Adagio
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скачать Henry Purcell - Sonata No. 01 in G minor (Z. 802) - 1. Adagio
слушать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge - 4. Air (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge - 4. Air (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer-Hornpipe (Hole in the Wall)
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скачать Henry Purcell - Abdelazer-Hornpipe (Hole in the Wall)
слушать Henry Purcell - Lillibullero
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скачать Henry Purcell - Lillibullero
слушать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act V: Dance of Bacchanals
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act V: Dance of Bacchanals
слушать Henry Purcell - Ground
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скачать Henry Purcell - Ground
слушать Henry Purcell - Wake Quivera, wake
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скачать Henry Purcell - Wake Quivera, wake
слушать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act II: Song- Charon the peaceful Shade invites
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act II: Song- Charon the peaceful Shade invites
слушать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act I: First Act Tune
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act I: First Act Tune
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 3 Viols in F Major. Z 733
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 3 Viols in F Major. Z 733
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 5 Violsin F Major. Z 745
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 5 Violsin F Major. Z 745
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in G Minor. Z 735
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in G Minor. Z 735
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in G Minor. Z 738
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in G Minor. Z 738
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in G Major. Z 742
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in G Major. Z 742
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in A Minor. Z 740
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in A Minor. Z 740
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in B Flat Major. Z 736
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 4 Viols in B Flat Major. Z 736
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 6 Viols in nomine. Z 746
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 6 Viols in nomine. Z 746
слушать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 7 Viols in nomine. Z 747
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скачать Henry Purcell - Fantasia for 7 Viols in nomine. Z 747
слушать Henry Purcell - 15. Stay, Prince and hear great Jove's command
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скачать Henry Purcell - 15. Stay, Prince and hear great Jove's command
слушать Henry Purcell - The Virtuous Wife - 5. Allegro (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - The Virtuous Wife - 5. Allegro (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - The Gordian Knot Untied - 5. Jig (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - The Gordian Knot Untied - 5. Jig (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - The Married Beau - 5. Jig (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - The Married Beau - 5. Jig (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - The Gordian Knot Untied - 8. Minuet (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
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скачать Henry Purcell - The Gordian Knot Untied - 8. Minuet (The Chamber Orchestra of Hartford, Mahler 1958)
слушать Henry Purcell - 13. Oft she visits this lov'd mountain
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скачать Henry Purcell - 13. Oft she visits this lov'd mountain
слушать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act V: Duet (two Wood-Gods): Oh, the sweet delights of love!
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скачать Henry Purcell - Dioclesian Z 627 - Act V: Duet (two Wood-Gods): Oh, the sweet delights of love!
Henry Purcell - Zvyki.com