Zhang Jie Xin Yang

Исполнитель: Zhang Jie Длительность: 03:14 Размер: 7.41 МБ Качество: 320 kbit/sec Формат: mp3
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Текст песни "Zhang Jie — Xin Yang"

寒风飘雪街灯残影 The glacial wind and snow flutters , the phantom street lights glow
往日足迹消隐 As footprints of the past disappears into history.

夜空下聆听 Listening under the starry night
归来的序曲The overture of return (The signal of someone returning)

千机伞 His umbrella with a thousand odds (his= 他的 【叶修】)
锋芒辉光 Glistens among its refined edges
一如既往远方 Seeing into the unknown future. (distances; future. [远方 can mean the future.])

看星火 Observe the blazing star fire
燎原八荒 Burning everything in its way,
烧成你我倔强 And it forging our unshakable faith.

从头再来巅峰辉煌 I prestige to begin my legend again(描述叶修)
前行的路上 On the way to triumph
有你在身旁 I am not alone since you are there for me
十年热血写信仰Ten years of dedication and belief
荣耀永不散场 Our glory will never die.

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