Boaz Mauda
Bli ahava (Шма!)
Исполнитель: Boaz Mauda
Длительность: 03:04
Формат: mp3
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Текст песни "Boaz Mauda — Bli ahava (Шма!)"
Lif'amim ani margish shek'tzat shachachti
le'an ani holech, ad le'an higa'ati
umah chashuv be'emet
Ki bli ahavah mah yihyeh iti?
uvli neshamah mah yihyeh iti
bli hadofek shepo'em bi
vehalmut halev k'shehu mitahev
vehalmut halev k'shehu mitahev
Sometimes I feel I lost my way
Looking for something real
in this life day by day
I keep asking myself
Without love, where I'll be?
Without a soul, where I'll be?
Without a sound, without a sea
Of my heartbeats filling me
Of my heartbeats filling me
Where I'll be?
Without love, where I'll be?
Without a soul, where I'll be?
Without a sound, without a sea
Of my heartbeats filling me
Of my heartbeats filling me
Sometimes I feel that I slightly forgot
where I'm going to, where I've reached
and what's truly important
Because without love, what will be of me?
And without a soul, what will become of me?
without the beat that beats in me
and the heart's beating when it falls in love
and the heart's beating when it falls in love
Sometimes I feel I lost my way
Looking for something real
in this life day by day
I keep asking myself
Without love, where I'll be?
Without a soul, where I'll be?
Without a sound, without a sea
Of my heartbeats filling me
Of my heartbeats filling me
Where I'll be?
Without love, where I'll be?
Without a soul, where I'll be?
Without a sound, without a sea
Of my heartbeats filling me
Of my heartbeats filling me