Старый негр У тебя хуй видно

Исполнитель: Старый негр Длительность: 02:52 Формат: mp3
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Текст песни "Старый негр — У тебя хуй видно"

Standing on the mountain, far as I can see
Standing on the mountain, just far as I can see
Dark clouds above me, clouds all around poor me

Feeling low and weary, Lord, I've got a trouble in mind
Feeling low and weary, Lord, I've got a trouble in mind
Everything that gets me, everybody's so unkind

Harvest time's coming and will catch me unprepared
Harvest time's coming and will catch me unprepared
Haven't made a dollar, bad luck is all I've had

Lord, how can I bear it, Lord, what will the harvest bring
Lord, how can I bear it, Lord, what will the harvest bring
Putting up all my money and I isn't got a doggone thing

I'm a weary traveler roaming around from place to place
I'm a weary traveler roaming around from place to place
If I don't find something this will end me in disgrace

Ain't got no mother, father left me long ago
Ain't got no mother, father left me long ago
I'm just like a orphan, where my folks is I don't know

Blues around my shoulder, blues all around my head
Blues around my shoulder, blues all around my head
With my heavy burden, Lord, I wished I was dead
0:00 0:00

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