Turmion Katilot - Hoitovirhe (2004)
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Текст песни "Turmion Katilot - Hoitovirhe (2004) — Karsi"
Masokisti sadisti
Se koskee sinua
Anarkisti fasisti
Se koskee sinua
Nauru seis liikkeet jatkuu
Se koskee sinua
Kansalle virtaa sa sattuu
Ja se koskee sinua
Realisti ateisti
Se ei koske sinua
Demokratia byrokratia
Se koskee sinua
Vapaus veljeys tasa-arvo
Se ei koske sinua
Kansalle virtaa se sattuu
Ja se koskee sinua
" -Suomen järvien ph-arvo tulee saada lähelle nollaa
-Minä en ole pyytänyt näitä asiakirjoja
-Minä olen median uhri
-Mutta se koskee sinua
-Lupaamme toteuttaa pitkäjänteistä ja vakaata politiikkaa
-Kuten sanottu minä en ole pyytänyt näitä asiakirjoja "
Suffer /
Masochist, sadist
It concerns* you
Anarchist, fascist
It concerns you
Stop the laughter, moves continue
It concerns you
Energy to the people, it hurts
And it concerns you
Realist, atheist
It doesn't concern you
Democracy, bureaucracy
It concerns you
Freedom, brotherhood, equality
It doesn't concern you
Electricity for the people, it hurts
And it concerns you
" - The pH-value of Finland's lakes must get close to zero
- I didn't ask these documents
- I am a victim of the media
- But it hurts you
- We promise to exercise stable and long-term politics
- As I said, I didn't ask for these documents"**
An Ironcross...
* The Finnish word "koskea" can either mean "to concern" or "to hurt". So there’s wordplay in the song.
** The two politicians speaking are supposed to be Paavo Väyrynen, who often claims to be a "victim of the media" and the Finnish ex-Prime Minister Anneli Jäätteenmäki, who had been accused of having demanded documents concerning the war on Iraq in order to take advantage of it during the elections. She defended herself by saying "I have not demanded these documents". The politicians were voiced by MasterBates and DQ.
Funny: a pH-value of 7 is neutral and values under that are acid. So a pH of 0 is a really strong acid. Intentional or an accident?
*** In Finnish the words for "Swastika" and "terrorist" both finish with "–cross" (-risti)