Rocky Leon Ois is so a Schaas

Исполнитель: Rocky Leon Длительность: 15:40 Размер: 918.82 КБ Качество: 16 kbit/sec Формат: mp3
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Текст песни "Rocky Leon — Ois is so a Schaas"

ois ies so a schaas

ois is so a schaas
i wü nur nu sudern
i hob koa göd zum saufen, nix zum rauchn
neamt zum pudern

i kon nimma liegen
owa aufstehn gfreit mi ned
alloa sei is a schaas
owa de leid san olle bled

und mir is fad

ois is so a schaas
draußen schrein die kinder
im Sommer is zu haas
und koid is ma im winter/ und der Winter is behindert

ois is immer scheiße
ob's jetzt regnet oder schneit
wei won don moi die sun schist
waas i a nix wos mi gfreit

und mir is

und i waas ned wer schuid is - dass mi nix
i waas nur dass i söba nix dafier
und i hob koa geduid fier irgendwen

der ondast ies wia i

und ois is so a schaas

ois is so a schaas
kennts eich ned olle schleichen - wonn
es ned boid vaschwinds donn sads es
blos nu a poa leichn

i meachat neama hackln
owa göd mechat i scho nua wir
i sicha boid sterben
und wos hob i donn davo

mir is so



d d d d

d d g g A# A# A A

d d A# A# g g A A

translation (very lose)

all is such a fart
i just want to whining
i have no money for drinking
nothing for smoking, no one for banging

i can no more lying,
but getting up would not make me happy
being alone is a fart but the people are all so dumb

and i'm so bored
and all is such a fart

all is such a fart
outside scream the children
in summer it's to hot and
winter is retarted

all is always shit
if it's not raining then it's cuz it's snowing
and when then one time the sun shines
i also don't know what to doing

and i'm so bored
and i don't know whose fault it is,
that nothing pulls me
i just know there's nothing i could do

and i have no patience
for anyone
who thinks different then i
and all is such a fart

all is such a fart
can you all please fuck off
if you all don't disappear soon
you will all be only a few corpses

i want to no more working
but money wanting i do
but i will securely die soon and
and will it all be for

and i'm so bored
and i don't know whose fault it is,
that nothing pulls me
i just know there's nothing i could do

and i have no patience
for anyone
who thinks different then i
and all is such a fart

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